CV Toolkit 2 Tutorial – Calibration / MIDI to CV

As we mentioned on Twitter and on Instagram, we've been working on a new video tutorial series for CV Toolkit 2 and the great news is that the first video, focused on Calibration and MIDI to CV using CV Toolkit, is now available!

This first tutorial will teach you how to properly calibrate your oscillators using the Notes virtual module and play them using any MIDI controller. The video also explains how to create / patch a proper monophonic synth voice using CV Toolkit's Gate Bus and some more modules (an envelope and a VCA).

Keep in mind that this tutorial explains everything about the Audio and MIDI Settings as if the user was trying the Calibration feature for the first time. 
Once those settings have been properly configured, CV Toolkit will store and recall them automatically when the program is loaded which vastly reducing the amount of time necessary to go through the entire process.

We're already working on the next video tutorial which will focus on creating a properly quantized sequence using the Clock Generator, the Notes and the Sequencer modules.
If you have any suggestions for future videos, feel free to get in touch with us!

For more information about CV Toolkit, visit

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Until next time!